All parliamentary leaders in Sindh Assembly support demand to end water scarcity

KARACHI, (May 28, 2021): Parliamentary leaders of all parties in the Sindh Assembly have supported the demand for an end to water scarcity in Sindh and a fair distribution of water. 

Water is economic issue

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that water shortage in the province is not a political issue but an economic issue. Giving 27% less water means loss of Rs 27 billion. In Sindh, the government and the people are united on the issue of water.

Syed Murad Ali Shah said that we are told that dams will be built and there will be storms. We have been hearing this since time immemorial. Sindh has strongly condemned the irregularities in the distribution of water. When there is a shortage of water, the game is played with us. In the last season of Rabi, Punjab was given 33% more water and Sindh 27% less. Both provinces were affected. He said 27 MAF means a loss of Rs 27 billion.

People chose us to speak for their right

We have been chosen by the people of Sindh to speak for our rights. The Chief Minister Sindh said that he was sorry for what happened in the last meeting. We were in opposition whenever the Sindh assembly remained united on the issue of water. I will not criticize, I want to keep the water issue in the Sindh Assembly, we have been united on the water issue, when I became a member of the assembly in 2002, I did not know much about water, when we were in opposition, sufficient documents not availabe.

How game started in 1985?

Yes, water is flowing, the land of Sindh has always been green, all the water was coming from Punjab, there were all natural canals, if there was flood, there would be destruction, in 1985, the game of stopping the rivers started, the water of Sindh was low. The Greater Thal Canal was built in 2000. It was built during the dictatorship regime.

Water Accord of 1945

He reminded that an agreement was reached between the two provinces in 1945. The issue of water is not a political but an economic issue. At that time even white persons knew about it. In this agreement, Punjab got a share of 48.8 and 46.08 million acre feet of water.

In the National Assembly in 1970, WAPDA had said that it follows the 1945 agreement, he recalled. In April 1948, India closed its headworks. At that time, the government of Pakistan had also given money to India. He said that our position was the same from the beginning.

He said, it is said that water is being wasted in the sea, it is not wasted, we cannot give water to our people by quenching their thirst, read the old case.

Chashma Jhelum Canal

Our country broke up in 1971, the first year there was a problem, this was the time when Chashma Jhelum Canal was built, in 1972 the Governors signed the Accord, there was no Chief Minister at that time. If there is a shortage of water in the canal, then they closed it, then they closed it, then there were water problems in 1985, what other words to use besides dacoity on the water of Sindh, Water Accord was done in 1991, PPP opposed it. Of 48.76 million acres were made ours, Punjab was made 58 million acres, Punjab was made our project, then it was said that this is our right.

1991 water Accord

Murad Ali Shah said that according to the 1991 agreement, everyone signed on to go to sea. We said 10% of the water should go to the sea, this water should go to Kotri so that our delta remains inhabited. In these circumstances, if another dam is built, it cannot be filled up to 50% by that time

He said that whoever needs evidence and facts should come and take them. I have to go back to this soil. Why shouldn’t I have feelings for my soil.

Opposition should also ask questions and tell them the facts. The case of Sindh is strong.

We are well-wishers of the people of Punjab. We say only one thing. Don’t talk more than your right, I have talked about water in front of three prime ministers, there has never been a dispute over water in the Sindh Assembly.

If anyone has said such a thing, I apologize. Please tell me the place. I am ready to come. We have been selected by the people of Sindh so that we can speak the truth. “We are allies of the federal government but we are with Sindh on the issue of water. Water is a matter of life and death. Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah spoke on the issue of water in a rational manner.

PTI Parliamentary Leader

PTI Parliamentary Leader Bilal Abdul Ghaffar said that the speech of Chief Minister Sindh on the issue of water is encouraging. Everyone is on the same page on the issue of Sindh.

MMA and GDA members

MMA and GDA members also welcomed the address of Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah. GDA’s Arif Mustafa Jatoi said that water is our problem and basic need, we are all together on Sindh’s issues.


Syed Abdul Rasheed of MQM said that he fully supports the issue of water and will be with them in the struggle for the rights of Sindh. Javed Hanif of MQM said that we are all united for the rights of Sindh. I am with Murad Ali Shah whenever , fix a time.


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