Sindh reports 22 cases of crime against women reported in 10

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Sindh reports 22 cases of crime against women reported in 10

KARCAHI Sep 08,2021- Sindh Chief minister was told that 22 cases of crime against women were reported throughout province during last 10 days of the August.

A meeting on law and order chaired by Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah which was attended by Acting Chief Secretary Qazi Shahid Pervez, IG Police Mushtaq Mahar, Principal Secretary Sajid Jamal Abro, Additional IG CTD Ghulam Nabi Memon, Additional IG Karachi Imran Minhas, DIGs Saqib Memon, Riaz Akbar, Pir Muhammad Shah and Noman Siddiqui.

IG Police and Additional IG Police Karachi briefed the meeting on crime situation from August 21 to 31. 

The meeting was informed that five cases against minorities were reported during last 10 days of August, of them four in Karachi East and one in Sukkur.

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In all 22 cases of crime against women were reported throughout province during this period. These included five in Karachi East, five in Sukkur, four in Hyderabad, three in Karachi West, two in Karachi South, two Larkana and one in Shaheed Benazirabad district.

Nine cases of crime against minors were reported of which one South, 5 South, 2 West and one Mirpurkhas.  

There were 4 cases of extortion, one each in Karachi East, Karachi West, Hyderabad and Larkana.

There were 198 cases of petrol / diesel, including 75 in Hyderabad, 57 in Shaheed Benazirabad, 31 in Sukkur, 4 in Karachi East and 2 in Karachi South.

During ten days period 798 drug cases including 132 Karachi South, 119 East, 141 West, 145 Hyderabad, 54 Mirpurkhas were reported.

The Sindh Chief Minister was informed that from March to August this year, 79 cases were caught with the help of CCTV and 97 accused were arrested,

Out of these 79 cases, 11 cases are important. The important cases that were solved with the help of CCTV, including the Zaman murder case that took place during the looting. Three culprits were arrested in this case. There was a case of theft of mosque donation money in the Baldia. Likewise, two street criminals were arrested from Model Colony.

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