Shirin Jokhio files petition against the prosecution

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Shireen Jokhio wanted to fight the case

Nazim Jokhio’s widow reaches court alone

KARACHI, Mar 01,2022- Shirin Jokhio widow of deceased Nazim Jokhio reached Sindh High Court (SHC) and filed a petition against the prosecution for failing to present the challan of the case in the ATC.

Shirin Jokhio said that the challan was not submitted to the ATC despite the court orders, prosecution was not filing the chalan, she requested the court that Prosecutor General Sindh should be ordered to submit the challan to the ATC without delay.

The petition stated that Sindh government should be directed to provide security to Shirin Jokhio and her children.

The petitioner Shirin Jokhio further pleaded that IG Sindh be ordered to arrest MNA Jam Abdul Karim and other hiding suspects immediately.

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The petition requested the high court to instruct the trial court to conduct the trial of Nazim Jokhio case on a daily basis.

Slain Nazim Jokhio’s widow Sherin Jokhio reached the Sindh High Court alone as her brother-in-law and mother-in-law did not accompany her.

Shirin Jokhio told media, “Now I am being alone, people are just getting the money, I fight for justice, whatever may come.