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Drop scene of Nazim Jokhio murder case

Special Report

A young man from Malir area of ​​Karachi Nazim Jokhio was allegedly killed by the Chieftain of his tribe, for reportedly filming a video of some foreigner hunters and uploading it on social media.

The slain Nazim Jokhio had uploaded a video on social media in a bid to stop foreigners from hunting, after which his body with torture marks was found.

With hashtag Justice for Nazim Jokhio remained top trend on twitter.

The heirs of the slain had nominated Jam Awais Gohram, a member of the Sindh Assembly of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), for the alleged murder of Nazim.

The slain 27-year-old Nazim Jokhio belonged to Achar Salar Jokhio village of Malir, suburbs of provincial capital Karachi. He was employee of District Council Karachi. He has three daughters and a son who are one to five years old. According to his wife Shirin Jokhio, he was also known for his social service in the area, helping people with small tasks.

Nazim was active on social media especially on Facebook. He has three brothers and one sister, he was second among the siblings.

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MPA Jam Awais produced in court in Nazim Jokhio murder case

Brother describes death scene of Nazim Jokhio 

The family of the young Nazim Jokhio alleged that the Nazim had raised objection and forbade some foreigner hunters from hunting houbara bustard in his village area and made a video of them, after which he was allegedly tortured to death.

Lawmaker nominated in FIR

Afzal Ahmed Jokhio, brother of the deceased has stated in the FIR that he is a resident of Salar Goth, Malir district and some foreign nationals came to his village yesterday in connection for hunting. But he and his brother Nazim stopped the foreigners from hunting in the village and made a video of them, after which the foreigners left.

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Nazim Jokhio’s family under pressure for jirga: widow complains

The complainant Afzal Jokhio said in the police FIR that he and his brother Nazim were summoned by PPP MPA Jam Awais alias Gohram at 11 pm. Jam Awais and his men beat his brother to death with sticks.

Younis Butt, a police officer on duty in the FIR, said he was informed by a man namely Meraj over the phone that a body with torture marks was lying outside the Jam House in Jam Goth, which was shifted to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) through Chheepa ambulance.

Prior to the FIR, Memon Goth police had claimed that there was a clash between two groups in Memon Goth, as a result of which a man named Nazim Jokhio was killed by being hit with a stick.

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An autopsy of Nazim Jokhio’s body was conducted at JPMC Hospital. The post-mortem report found signs of alleged torture on the body. Nazim Jokhio has ten bruises on his body, with a minimum of two centimeters and a maximum of nine centimeters.

‘Jam Awais summons for patch up’

Nazim’s brother, Afzal Jokhio, told the media that Arab hunters had been searching for houbara bustard in his area, especially in the Karo Mountains, but this time they turned to his village.

Nazim went half a kilometer away and stopped them on which he was caught and altercation. Later Nazim made a video of the hunters and made it viral.

“I got calls from people of Jam and was told to ask my brother to delete this video. I asked him to obey the Jam’s orders, but he refused and said, “I am not afraid of anyone. I will not delete it,” Afzal Jokhio renarrated the wording of his brother.

The Jam family is the chief of the Jokhio tribe.

After Nazim’s refusal to delete video, the manager of Jam came to their house and told, Jam Sahib has summoned them. Afzal Jokhio said, “Brother Nazim refused to go but I insisted that lets go to Jam Sahibs, they respect me as I had also been elected a member of the district council. I trust them.”

Afzal Jokhio had three brothers and Nazim was younger than him.

He said that when they reached Jam’s Otaq, the people of Jam beat Nazim with sticks and butts of guns.

“I joined my both hands before Jam and apologized. But Jam Sahib said no apology, you people have insulted my guest, after which they kept beating Nazim and later locked him in a room and told me to go and come in the morning. People told us that at five o’clock in the morning, they again beat and brother was tortured to death.

Nazim Jokhio’s brother Afzal told reporters, “Foreign nationals come to the Karo Jabal area for hunting. Nazim Jokhio had stopped the car of a foreign national yesterday and made a video in which he was forbidding foreign nationals from illegally hunting the houbara bustard. As video went viral, Jam talked to me and said, “What’s wrong with your brother? I said there was a mistake, please forgive him. He said, ‘Bring him to me.’

Relatives of deceased Nazim Jokhio block highway

Afzal Jokhio alleged that at night, Jam Awais’ personal secretary told him that Jam Saheb has called them to come and decide about the act of Nazim. When we got there, Jam Awais with help of his bodyguards tortured my brother.

He further said, “On which I said, ‘Sir, what are you doing? We are yours, you are ours, what is important, a houbara bustard or of man.’ At 3.00 AM, Jam told him “You and you uncles should in the morning to decide the matter,” Afzal further said, “When we got there in the morning, we were told that my brother was dead and we were not given his body.”

What was in Nazim Jokhio’s video?

In the video made by Nazim Jokhio, he can be seen near a car with Dubai number plate written on it, and Nazim is saying, ‘These are Arab people, they are blocking our way and issuing threats when I asked them what are they doing here? So they misbehaved with us and threatening us of the police.

During the same video recording, a man wearing a cap gets out of the front seat of the car, slaps Nazim and snatches mobile phone from him.

Nazim Jokhio recorded another video statement at his home, saying, “At four o’clock in the evening, I played a live video of an Arab or some other man issuing threats me. He also snatched my mobile phone and after beating me, returned it back.

Nazim says that he also called the Madadgar Police “15” but the police did not come and these people fled. Later, he also went to the police station to file a complaint. After which he was receiving threat calls on the phone and some people came asking to delete this video, otherwise it will not be good for me.”

He says at the end of the video that if anything happens to him, it will be the people who are putting pressure on him.

Sit in – Justice for Nazim Jokhio

A large number of the Jokhio community members, the bereaved family and their relatives held a day-long sit-in at Gaghar Phatak in Malir and at several places in Thatta for the arrest of all those involved in the alleged murder.

After the burial, men and women blocked this important road in Pakistan again. The Sindh government sent MPA Sajid Jokhio for negotiations but he failed to satisfy the protesters.

Later, two provincial ministers Imtiaz Sheikh and Saeed Ghani arrived and held talks, assuring protesters that Jam Awais, a member of the Sindh Assembly, would be arrested and there would a transparent investigation and justice will prevail.

Later, the sit-in ended and at night Jam Awais surrendered before the police.

A Karachi court has extended for three days the physical remand of Sindh Assembly member Jam Awais in the case of alleged murder of youth Nazim Jokhio in Malir area of ​​Karachi.

Nazim Jokhio’s family under pressure for jirga

Shirin Jokhio, widow of Nazim, has demanded lodging a case against PPP MNA Abdul Karim Jokhio and to arrest and de-seat him from the Assembly.

Speaking to Time News TV channel, Shirin Jokhio said, “People of Sardar are threatening my brother in law Fazal Jokhio for settling through jirga and he was afraid of them, but I am not afraid of anyone.”

Later, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and President PPP Sindh, Nisar Ahmed Khuhro also visited the house of deseaed Nazim Jokhio and offered condolences with his family.

PPP lawmaker booked for murder of a man who filmed foreigner hunters