Balochistan CM Jam Kamal made written agreement with opposition

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Balochistan CM Jam Kamal made written agreement with opposition

QUETTA Sep 20,2021-The political crisis in Balochistan has subsided for 15 days, as Balochistan CM Jam Kamal made written agreement with opposition.

A 15-day written agreement has been reached between Chief Minister Jam Kamal and angry members of Balochistan Awami Party. The Opposition is hopeful for the resignation of the Chief Minister.

The opposition has moved no confidence motion against Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal.

The conciliation committee has succeeded to some extent in resolving the differences between the two parties. A written agreement has been reached between the angry members and Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan.

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According to government sources, the agreement will address the concerns of all angry members within 15 days. The demands included launching development schemes in members’ constituencies, stop the disbursement of funds to unelected representatives and return their ministry to Provincial Assembly member Sardar Saleh Bhootani.

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