What will be counter strategy of the Prime Minister?

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ISLAMABAD (Monitoring Desk) – The topic of no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan, is dominating the entire political discourse while as government trying its last resorts to slow down the actions.

The opposition wants to achieve success in the no-confidence motion anyhow. Because they are very aware, that if they failed to do so, then according to the constitution, they will not be able to file a no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister again for six months, during this period the Prime Minister can take a number of steps to strengthen his government and a special opportunity to “weaken” the opposition politically.

The Prime Minister’s claim about his victory in the no-confidence motion and the defeat of the opposition, and showing extraordinary confidence. There are three major political parties in the country, while the prime minister has unlimited powers to hold the highest office in the government, so some analysts are calling this contest “not sure”.

The prime minister has also announced that he will address the largest “celebration procession” in history at D Chowk Islamabad on the day he achieves “success”. An impression is being created that the defeat of the opposition is so certain that massive preparations have been started for this celebration procession and the administration is taking special measures in view of the expected arrival of people from far and wide.

Opposition claims to take more than 172 votes: no-confidence motion 

What will be Power sharing formula, if no trust move succeeds?

What is in the bag of Prime Minister to counter the motion?

Some analysts are of view that opposition has to prove majority in no-confidence, therefore it can be easy for the government to stop around five MNAs from participating in the voting. It is also suggested that ruling party may decide that its members not to attend the session. There are rumours that even speaker and Deputy Speaker may not attend the session. This may create a legal lacuna.

One of the options is to give Punjab Chief Minister position to PM-Q and thus gaining the support of this important ally.

On one occasion, while addressing a public meeting in Lower Dir on Friday, his mention of Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa became the subject of observers and analysts across the country, which is being analyzed from different angles.

ECP issues notice to PM Khan for violation of code of conduct

PPP Senator Sherry Rehman has said that talks with the Prime Minister seem to be ready for a confrontation with everyone.

In her tweet, Sherry Rehman expressed surprise at the Prime Minister’s statement, saying that the government has been saying for three years that the institutions are neutral, the PM now says that neutrals are just animals.