Voting on no-confidence motion will be March 28

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Voting on no-confidence motion will be March 28

ISLAMABAD, March 14,2022- PTI Leader Faisal Javed Khan said that the voting on no-confidence will be March 28.

Faisal Javed Khan, speaking to the media in Islamabad, told about the final date for voting on no-confidence motion.

Earlier, a meeting of the PTI Core Committee, chaired by the Prime Minister, was informed that the National Assembly meeting is likely to be convened on March 21 and voting will be held on March 29 on non-confidence motion. The Prime Minister was given power to decide about the no trust motion.

The consultation on convening a National Assembly meeting was completed at a PTI Core Committee meeting chaired by the Prime Minister in Islamabad today. The Prime Minister expressed his confidence in the allies and said that the allies are not going anywhere.

Sources say that the Core Committee agreed that D Chowk gathering would be the largest one in the history of the country.

Asad Omar gave briefing on the contacts of coalition parties in the Core Committee meeting, Advisor to Parliamentary Affairs Babar Awan briefed on legal points, the provincial presidents informed about the organizational issues of the party.

According to sources, PTI at the meeting of the committee has decided to continue aggressive policy and political rally.

The meeting decided to remove the reservations of coalition partners and the task was given to the ministers in this regard. The PTI expected that the allies will stand with government. The participants of the meeting were told that there was no hurry to summon the session of the Assembly.

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