Tribal clashes claim 40 lives in Sindh during 6 months

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Tribal clashes claim 40 lives in Sindh during 6 months

KARACHI Jul 29,2021 – As many as 40 people were killed in tribal clashes during last six months in Sindh, there were some tribal jirgas in which many people were killed. CM said, tribal disputes would be resolved through tribal chiefs.

This was told on Thursday at a high level meeting about law and order situation in the province, which was presided over by the chief minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah.

Twelve people were killed in Chachar – Sadozai trbal clashes, while 28 people killed in the Teghani- Bajrani tribal clashes.

Chief Minister Sindh said that tribal disputes would be ended through tribal chiefs.

IG Sindh Police briefed the meeting on Katcha Operations. IG informed that in 2021, there were 89 encounters in Ghotki, 75 Sukkur, 73 Kashmore  and 68 in Sharkpur districts.

The meeting was told that in all 41 dacoits gangs were wiped out in the province, of which three gangs were wiped out in Ghotki, 6 in Sukkur, 25 in Kashmore and 15 in Shikarpur districts.

Sindh police head said that nine robbers were killed in Sukkur.

Police said 83 abductees were recovered in the province. According to breakup two abductees were recovered from Ghotki, two from Sukkur, 39 from Kashmir and 40 from Shikarpur districts.

Sindh CM directed the police to dismantle arms supply line and keep a close eye on the movement of dacoits.

The CM said there was also a need to watch the growing links between bandits and banned outfits and take action against them.

CM Sindh informed the meeting that government has decided to set up road network in Kaacha area, and also more roads from Ghotki- Kashmir bridge.

This is developing story 

Also read  254 killings took place in Karachi during 6 months

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