Six Sindhi nationalist parties form parliamentary alliance

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Six Sindhi nationalist parties form parliamentary alliance

HYDERABAD, April 30,2022- Six Sindhi nationalist parties have agreed to form a new parliamentary alliance in Sindh.

Representatives of Sindh Tarqi Passand Party (STP), Qaumi Awami Tehreek, Sindh United Party, Awami Jamhoori  Party, Labor Resistance Movement and the Social Democratic Party attended the meeting held at the Tarqi Passand House, Qasimabad Hyderabad.

In the joint meeting of the six parties also agreed on the name of alliance and also decided to other like-minded parties.

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According to STP Chief Dr Qadir Magsi, we will jointly field candidates from the coalition platform in the 2023 general elections, including local bodies elections.

Dr Qadir Magsi said that a 12 point the political agenda has been agreed and while flag of alliance will be approved on 10 May.

It may be recalled that Quami Awami Tehreek led by Ayaz Latif Palijo was part of GDA, a partner of  Imran Khan’s coalition government and  few weeks back Palijo tendered has resigned to Pir Pagara, head of GDA.

Likewise Sindh United Party of Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah has also signed a charter with PTI few months back.

However, Dr Magsi of STP did not joined hands with PTI, rather remained in touch with PMLN.

GDA has filed a petition in Sindh High Court to postponed the local bodies elections taking plea that these are not being held according to the decision of Apex court.