Probe report finds lapse and gaps in health care, irresponsible behavior of management of Thar Coal in Block-I

Probe report finds lapse and gaps in health care, irresponsible behavior of management of Thar Coal in Block-I

MITHI Jul 07, 2021 – The Assistant Commissioner Islamkot in his investigation report has pointed out huge gaps in the health condition and irresponsible behavior of the management of Thar Coal company working in Block-I.

Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar has deputed the Assistant Commissioner Islamkot to probe the death of engineer Haresh Kumar Khokar who died in mysterious circumstance at the company’s site.

The probe reports said that during the visit at the site It  SSRLP Consultant Firm namely EMC Private limited who was Haresh Kumar was employee and recently recruited as Safety Supervisor.

The report further says, “ It can be safely overserved from the statements of the colleagues of the deceased and the medical staff of health unit established at the site that emergency case of the deceased employee was not properly handled therefore action may be taken against the irresponsible behavior on the part of medical team and management thereof.”

The Assistant Commissioner also recorded the statements of relatives of the deceased, his colleagues, medical staff and management of the company.

It was astonishing to know that a Thari youth engineer who studies in China was given a job of security officer in the Thar coal company.

The parents in their statement before the Assistant Commissioner said that “The deceased life could have been saved if given required medical care within time, whereas, he has been quarantined as per policy of the company and it is also reported that the bad quality of food served and his bad health condition for which the deceased informed his parents through WhatsApp call on the same day.”

The report further said that it has been reported by the Taluka Health officer that there is only one medical officer and 03 paramedics working round the clock for around 5000 employees which is quite insufficient whereas the medicines and equipments to the level of primary health care were satisfactory.

The report added that only one emergency ambulance is available however explicit SOP for using the ambulance service in case of emergency is not there.

“The health Expert, Taluka Health Officer also mentioned in his report that medical team working in the facility needs training to handle the emergency situation.” The report said

Report reads, “In view of the facts mentioned above and to avoid any such mishap in the future, it is highly recommended that proper health facility may be established with sufficient medical staff which may provide proper medical care to the huge number of labour working in the field on daily basis and may deal emergency situations satisfactorily.

“In addition to this, the facility of ambulance service may be improved with clear policy of its use under the control of Medical officer. It is further recommended that the case of deceased was mishandled which caused huge loss to the newly formed family consisting of one wife and one infant therefore, sufficient compensation may be granted along with job opportunity and punitive action may be taken against all those responsible for such sad incident.

Moreover, the companies working in Thar Coal Blocks should formulate their Human Resources Policies for hiring and firing of their workers, sign agreement with insurance companies for insurance cover and provide fringe benefits as applicable in industrial and labour laws to the employces/labour/workers etc. We are of the view that the Thar Coal Blocks Companies should submit their policies to the Distric Taluka Administration within one month of time.”

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