Pandora Papers: 50 companies selected for probe in Pakistan

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Pandora Papers: 50 companies selected for probe in Pakistan

  • PM Minister’s Inspection Commission launched formal inquiry into the Pandora Papers

 ISLAMABAD Oct 30,2021

The Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission (PIC) has started formal probe into Pandora Papers, and in the first phase, fifty individuals or companies have been selected against whom an inquiry will be held to determine which companies were involved in violating the law, the owners of which were public office holders.

The Commission has started the process of gathering information from various sources, seeking information from journalists involved in the collection of information in Pandora Papers and offshore companies from ICIJ.  

A statement issued by the commission said that in the first phase, it was being decided which companies were involved in violating the law and the owners of these companies had been public office holders in the past or in the past.

Over 700 Pakistanis owning offshore companies appeared in Pandora Papers

Assessing whether money laundering or tax evasion has taken place. In the first phase, fifty individuals or companies have been selected against whom an inquiry will be held and later it will be expanded.

This process will be completed in accordance with the law and will be enforced by law enforcement agencies whenever required to explain about the off shore company.

The Prime Minister’s Commission has invited the public to assist the Commission in its investigation to ensure transparency.

Pandora’s papers: Probe should start with federal ministers, analysts