Mansoor Mirani laid to rest with red flag honour

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Mansoor Mirani was laid to rest with red flag honour

KHAIRPUR Nov 1,2021

Renowned journalist and former Left wing activist Mansoor Mirani was laid to rest on Tuesday, in the graveyard of his ancestral village, Goth Ghulam Ali Shah, near Pir Jo Goth.

To pay him tributes and mark his identity as Communist,  after his burial, a sheet of red flag  with hammer and sickle was put put on his grave.

Mr Mirani passed away on Monday evening after short illness.

Ghualm Qadir popularly known as Manoor Mirani joined Left politics under the guidance of Syed Baqar Ali Shah, in 1970, who was then general secretary of National Awami Party Sindh chapter.

Left wing activist and journalist Mansoor Mirani passes away

Mirani joined Sindh National Students Federation, the students’ wing of the Left party. He worked hard for organizing mass fronts of Communist Party of Pakistan – Sindh National Students federation, trade union, Sindh Hari Committee in Khairpur.

He was also poet and wrote many poems. A collection of his poetry was also published. Some of his poems won popularity among the students and other revolutionaries in Sindh.

In Late 70s he joined journalism starting from daily Sindh News Hyderabad and later joined Daily Dawn as reporter at Khairpur.

Mansoor was also a good singer and he gave music to his poetry.

He worked with Comrade Jam Saqi, Syed Baqar Ali Shah, Nazir Abbasi, peasant leaders Lala Shah Muhammad Durani, Comrade Ramzan Shaikh, Comrade Ghualm Rasool Sahito and Ghulam Hussain Shar.

Mr Mirani is survived by three sons and three daughters.

(foto courtesy Saeed Sangri)