Pakistan finds important clue in Dasu incident

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Pakistan finds important lead in Dasu incident

ISLAMABAD Aug 12,2021 – Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has made important revelations regarding the attack on a bus of  Dasu Dam and said that some organs, including thumbs, at the scene of the attack in Dasu, possibly part of the suicide bomber’s body.

The Foreign Minister said that the investigators have reached the bottom of the handlers of the Dasu incident.

Addressing a press conference here on Thursday, Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the vehicle used in the attack has been identified and tracked from where it came.

 Shah Mehmood said that the employees of Dasu Hydel Works were involved in the investigation and the footage of 36 cameras installed on the 1400 km route was reviewed.

The Foreign Minister said that the vehicle used in the Dasu attack was smuggled into Pakistan.

The Foreign Minister said that the territory of Afghanistan was used for the Dasu attack and the nexus between NDS and RAW was visible.

He said that the first target of the attackers was the site of Diamer Bhasha Dam. When the attackers could not do anything there, they attacked Dasu.

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