Dasu incident: Foreign and Interior ministers to visit China

Dasu terrorist attack facilitated by RAW-NDS nexus

Investigation into the Dasu incident is in final stage, says Shaikh Rasheed

ISLAMABAD – Jul 17,2021 – Federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that the investigation into the Dasu incident is in the final stage, 15 Chinese officials have arrived in Pakistan for investigation.

The Chinese Interior Ministry has been taken on board in the investigation of the incident. “China’s friendship is the friendship of all seasons,” he said.

Addressing a press conference, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to visit China tomorrow. He has also directed me to visit China.

He said that the Chinese Minister of Public Security spoke on the phone, condemned the incident, and discussed with the Chinese Minister the investigation into the incident so far.

The security agencies have been asked to further improve the security of the Chinese and added that it is our duty to protect the lives and property of the Chinese people in Pakistan.

He said that the Dasu incident took place on Karakoram Highway. A 15-member Chinese investigation team visited the site of the accident yesterday.

At least 12 persons, including nine Chinese engineers and two Frontier Corps personnel, died and several others were injured on Wednesday, July 14 in a bus “attack” near the Dasu hydropower plant in the Upper Kohistan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

On Thursday it was said that potentially be a terrorism incident as traces of explosives had been detected on the wreckage of the bus and at the blast site.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said in a Twitter posting: “Initial investigations into Dasu incident have now confirmed traces of explosives, terrorism cannot be ruled out.”

Chinese company stops work at Dasu Dam

After the death of Chinese engineers in Kohistan, the Chinese company ‘China Gizoba Group Company’ stopped work on Dasu Dam.

All Pakistani employees have also been fired by China Gizoba Group Company.

A letter issued by the company said that due to the July 14 incident, work could not continue.

In the letter, China Gizoba Group also said that all employees would be paid graduation and salary.

Anwarul Haq, project director of Dasu Dam, said that as soon as the security situation is right, work will start.


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