Murad Ali Shah inaugurates Jamil Jalbi Library at KU

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Murad Ali Shah inaugurates Murad Ali Shah inaugurates Jamil Jalbi Library at KU at KU

KARACHI 14,2021 –  Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah inaugurated Jamil Jalbi Library at Karachi University on Saturday.

The Chief Minister was accompanied by Education Minister Sardar Shah, Law Adviser Murtaza Wahab and Chief Secretary Mumtaz Shah.

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Chief Minister Sindh cut the ribbon and inaugurated the newly constructed library, spokesman said.

Dr. Jamil Jalebi Library is a research library, Chief Minister Sindh said and added that in addition to research, the library also has a large range of general studies.

On arrival at the Sindh Chief Minister’s Library, he was received by Vice Chancellor Dr. Khalid Iraqi, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aqeel and Dr. Khawar Jameel.


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