Khairpur surgeons conduct Spinal Cord Conus rare surgery successfully

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Khairpur surgeons conduct Spinal Cord Conus rare surgery successfully

 KHAIRPUR Aug 30,2021-  Khairpur surgeons conducted Spinal Cord Conus Cord Conus medullaris lesion rare surgery of a 25 years old Patient(F) successfully conducted at Department of the Neurospine Surgery of Khairpur Medical College.

Head of the Department of Neurospine Surgery, Associate Professor Dr. Mukhtiar Ali Lakho said that a patient with a Complaint of Conus Medullary Syndrome attended by his department and said that after the investigations of the patient he and his team conducted a spine surgery. He said that earlier the patients from the Civil Hospital Khairpur were referred to Karachi because of the lack of facilities. He said that Neurosurgery department of the Khairpur Medical College in Civil Hospital Khairpur doing appreciable services and managing the emergencies of the fatal accidents as well as injured in the recent days of the Ashora.

He said that brain tumors surgery was also now in Civil Hospital Khairpur launched. He said that brain and spine surgeries being performed by the Neurospine surgery department and said that despite of the limited sources, department was trying to repose on the confidence of the People of the Khairpur.

He said that Principal of the KMC Khairpur Prof: Dr. Asadullah Mahar succeeded in getting a Computed tomography Scanning Machine(CT Scan) and Magnetic resonance imaging Machine (MRI).

He said that Pakistan Medical Council recently during a visit had given a KMC status of A- Category.