Employers to be fined for contacting employees after work hours

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Employers to be fined for contacting employees after work hours

Nov 14, 2021 Monitoring Desk

The Portuguese parliament passed a law on Friday barring employees from texting and e-mailing after work.

According to British media reports the Portuguese Parliament has banned texting and e-mailing to employees after working hours to improve work-life balance.

Under the law, companies with more than 10 staff members could face fines if they contact their employees after work hours.  

The new law was introduced in response to the employers ‘reluctance to work from home, even after the country’s working hours were extended and employees’ working hours expired.

Under the law, companies will allow employees with children to work from home.

In addition, companies may have to contribute more in case of overpayment.

Portugal’s Labor Minister, Ana Mendes Godino said she hoped the increase in labor protections would attract more foreigners to the country.