Chief Justice reaches Supreme Court

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parliamentary special committee set up for reference against the Chief Justice

ISLAMABAD, April 4,2022- The locks of the Supreme Court of Pakistan were opened, when Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial reached the Supreme Court.

Judicial staff also started reaching the Supreme Court.

PPP lawyers have reached the Supreme Court to file a petition against Speaker’s ruling.
Petition filed on behalf of Bilawal Bhutto and Nayyar Bukhari

Shehbaz Khosa said that he was filing the petition on behalf of Bilawal Bhutto and Nayyar Bukhari.

He said that the Supreme Court has to decide whether the hearing will be held today or not.

Shehbaz Khosa said that the game has been played with the rights of the people today and the final decision will be taken by the Supreme Court.
Earlier, Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Umar Ata Bandial summoned fellow judges of the Supreme Court for consultation.

What happened today has nothing to do with the institution, DG ISPR

President Dr. Arif Alvi dissolved the National Assembly

Ahsan Bhoon appeals Supreme Court to take action without any delay  

It may be recalled that while presiding over an important session of the National Assembly on the occasion of the no-confidence motion, Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri did not put it for voting tather rejected the opposition’s no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri termed the no-confidence motion of united opposition as unconstitutional.

Shortly afterwards, Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the nation, in which he said that he had sent a summary to the President to dissolve the Assembly and that the nation should prepare for new elections.

On the other hand, after receiving the summary of the Prime Minister, President Dr. Arif Alvi has dissolved.