African great desert witnesses snowfall

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African great desert witnesses snowfall

KARACHI, Jan 19,2022 – Snow has fallen in the world’s largest- Great Desert of Africa Saharan Desert witnessed snowfall this year.

This Africa desert is spread across African countries, here the temperature has dropped below freezing point.

The snowfall in the world’s largest desert is a unique phenomenon as it is also the warmest desert in the world where the average temperature is up to 58 degrees celsius.

 According to foreign media reports, the snowfall took place in Ain al-Safra, an area near Algeria, and the temperature dropped to minus two degrees.

This is the fifth time in the last 42 years that there has been snowfall in the Great Desert.

Before that it snowed in 1979, 2016, 2018 and 2021.

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Ain al-Safra is considered to be the gateway to the desert, which is 3,000 feet above sea level and is surrounded by the mountains of the Atlas Mountains.