123 highways projects underway in Tando Allahyar: Zia Abbas Shah

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123 highways projects underway in Tando Allahyar: Zia Abbas Shah

TANDO ALLAHYAR Sep 15,2021: Provincial Minister for Works and Services Syed Zia Abbas Shah Rizvi paid a surprise visit to the office of Highways Department, Tando Allahyar and checked the attendance of officers and staff.

Briefing the Provincial Minister, Executive Engineer Highways Muhammad Yousuf Pandhiani, who was present on the occasion, said that 123 new and old highways projects are underway in Tando Allahyar district out of which 29 projects will be completed by December 31, 2021.

Provincial Minister Syed Zia Abbas Shah Rizvi said that the projects should be completed as soon as possible while special care should be taken for the quality and quantity of construction materials so that its importance and usefulness could be further enhanced. He further said that construction of standard highways would save time and fuel as well as increase business activities.