September 11, 2024

American gymnast Simon Byles also victim of sexual harassment

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American gymnast Simon Byles also victim of sexual harassment

World-renowned American gymnast Simon Byles has confirmed to the US Senate that she has been sexually harassed.

The American gymnast has said she blames Larry Nasser as well as the entire system for the harassment.

Simon Byles said that if the system allowed a harasser to harm children, the effects would be severe.

Former US gymnast Larry Nasser is serving a life sentence for harassment.

According to foreign media reports the U.S. athletes Simon Byles, McClellan Maroni, Maggie Nicholas and Ali Riceman on Wednesday strongly condemned the inaction of sports officials and federal police in preventing the sexual abuse of former U.S. women’s team doctor Larry Nasser on young athletes for two decades. .

Simon Byles, McClellan Maroni, Maggie Nicholas and Ali Riceman

“We were disappointed, we owe an explanation,” said 24-year-old Simon Byles before a Senate committee looking at the “failures” of the investigation.

Larry Nasser, 58, is serving a life sentence at Michigan State University and the Gymnastics Club for sexually abusing more than 250 gymnasts in 2017 and 2018. In Lansing where he worked.

The Justice Department’s study report, an independent body, was very harsh on the local FBI office in Indianapolis, where the boss of the Gymnastics Federation first made the allegations against Osteopath in July 2015.

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The trial ended in September and another report was needed eight months after a new trial was successful.

“I’m responsible for Larry Nasser, the entire organization that allowed and perpetrated these abuses, the American Gymnastics Federation and the American Olympic Committee,” said Simon Byles, a major multi-gold medalist champion.