Wordplay between minister Fayaz Chauhan and PML-N spokesperson Uzma Bukhari

Uzam Bukhari and Fayaz Chauhan

Interesting wordplay between minister Fayaz Chauhan and PML-N spokesperson Uzma Bukhari

An interesting wordplay took place between Punjab Law Minister Fayaz Chauhan and PML-N Punjab spokesperson Uzma Bukhari at the Punjab Assembly premises.

Fayaz Chauhan offered Uzma i Bukhari, lets hold a press conference together. Give your position and I will state my point of view.

The provincial minister said that they can set a new precedent by holding a press conference together. Uzma Bukhari should openly talk about my party and then I will do it.

On the words of Fayaz-ul-Hassan Chauhan, Uzma Bukhari replied, “if you resign from the ministry, then I will hold a press conference with you”.

Uzma Bukhari said, “You will talk first and I will talk later”.

The PML-N leader also asked, “Do you want to join PML-N and hold a press conference with me?”