Thari youth protest against murder of co-worker in Karachi

Thari youth protest against murder of co-worker in Karachi

KARACHI Dec 09,2021- Hundreds of Thari younth working in the provincial capital protested against the murder of a Thari youth in the city.

A Thari youth Shahid Rahimoon resident of Jessy jo Par, working as chowkidar working at a bungalow in Defence area of the Karachi was killed on Wednesday.

The chowkidar of the neighbouring bungalow went on leave and asked Shahid Rahimoon to look after his job in his absence. This bungalow was not occupied. Shahid obliged him and stayed in the vacant bungalow in the night. Some unidentified persons some how entered the house. The accused persons said to be four tied his hands and legs and after klling him escaped from the scene by scaling the wall from back side of the bungalow, said the neighbouring chowkidar who had reportedly saw them.

In the morning as Shahid did not come, his friends reached the bungalow and found his body.

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Thari youth Shahid Rahimoon resident of Jessy jo Par,

The matter was reported to police.

On receiving information dozens of Thari youth gathered at the site and stage protest demanding the arrest of the accused and probe the motive behind the murder. They also staged demonstration outside police station Gizri. Later SP Clifton reached there and assured the protesters to nab the culprits.

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Gizri policed on complaint of Allahdino uncle of deceased has lodged the FIR.

MPA Abdul Razaq Rahimoo and engineer Wali Muhammad Rahimoo also reached there to express their solidarity.

Police have registered murder case against unidentified accused and are investigation.

Shahid’s body has been sent to his ancestral village Jessy Jo Par taluka Dahli of Thar.

Thousands of Thari youth from desert and backward area routinely hit by drought are working Karachi in garment factories, hotels, house maids and chowkidars.

Though in Thar coal, hundreds of persons are employed who hail from different parts of country but less opportunities are offered to local youth, so majority of Thari youth go to Karachi for livelihood means.

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