Sindh to give free vaccine to private hospitals

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KARACHI: The Sindh Health Department from today will give free coronavirus vaccines to private hospitals across the province after coronavirus cases in Karachi and Hyderabad rose.

The meeting of the Sindh Coronavirus Task Force on Thursday, reviewed the overall situation of corona in the province and noted coronavirus infection rate in Karachi increased from 5% to 14.53%.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah told the meeting that SOP violations have been noted in the east and south districts of the city.

Hence a number of new restrictions were announced as well.

  • Restaurants to only operate delivery service after Maghrib
  • Shopping malls to close by 6pm
  • Seaview, Hawkesbay to be closed during Eid holidays
  • Coronavirus vaccination centres to stay open 24/7
  • Pharmacies exempted from the order
  • Hotel quarantine facilities have been restored as well.

Health department will has also moved to check hospitals in Sindh Covid-19 facilities.

According to Radio Pakistan, 108 more deaths and 4,198 new positive cases of Coronavirus infection have been reported in the country during the last twenty-four hours.

According to the fresh statistics issued by National Command and Operation Centre, 46,467 tests were conducted and positivity ratio remained nine point zero three percent.