SHC orders ECP to hold LB polls in Karachi and Hyderabad within 2 months

SHC- ECP - LB polls

SHC orders ECP to hold LB polls in Karachi and Hyderabad within 2 months

KARCHI, Nov 18,2022- The Sindh High Court has ordered the Election Commission of Pakistan to announce the schedule of L.B polls by December 3 and hold elections within 2 months.

The Sindh High Court has issued a written decision while hearing the petitions against the delay in the local body elections in Karachi and Hyderabad.

The High Court ordered in its written decision that the Election Commission should announce the schedule of local elections by December 3, complete all the steps related to local elections within 60 days.

In a written decision, the Sindh High Court says that the court cannot compel the Election Commission, however, the Sindh government is bound to provide security and all facilities for the local elections.

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The court said in the written decision that the Election Commission should issue the election schedule within in 15 days and the Chief Secretary and IG Sindh will be bound to take necessary steps in this regard.

The Sindh High Court has stated in a written decision that MQM requested not to hold elections till the correctness of legislation, constituencies, voter lists and suggested not to hold elections until constituencies and local bodies are empowered.