Rangers called out in Punjab for two months

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Rangers called out in Punjab for two months

Banned TLP will be dealt with as a militant group, Fawad Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD Oct 27,2021

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has announced that the government has deployed Rangers in Punjab for two months. He said that the authority of Anti-Terrorism Act 1995 was being given to the Punjab government for 60 days.

Upon violent protests in Punjab, the federal government has decided to deal with the banned outfit protesters with heavy hand. This was decided at a cabinet meeting.

The banned TLP will be dealt with as a militant group, Fawad Chaudhry said 

4 policemen martyred and 263 injured in Punjab protests, IG Punjab

Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said that all stakeholders have decided that the banned TLP will be dealt with as a militant group, and will be eliminated just as the rest of the terrorists have been.

Giving a media briefing after the meeting of the federal cabinet, Fawad Chaudhry said that it would not be tolerated to challenge the writ of the state.

Fawad Chaudhry said that TLP is not a political party, you keep blocking roads, and how long will we tolerate you?

Fawad Chaudhry said that so far we have shown a lot of tolerance and have not used force, the culture of spreading fake news will not be tolerated at all, such people will be dealt with severely.

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid  

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has announced that the government has deployed Rangers in Punjab for two months. He said that the authority of Anti-Terrorism Act 1995 was being given to the Punjab government for 60 days. 

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Sheikh Rashid said that members of the banned outfit opened fire on policemen in Sadhoki, killing three policemen and injuring several others. 

“We have told the banned organization that we cannot close the French embassy. The French ambassador is not present in Pakistan. The TLP’s agenda is something else,” he said.


Sheikh Rashid said that he had said yesterday that foreign powers wanted to impose sanctions on Pakistan. The banned Tehreek-e-Libek had become militants.