Pandora Papers has nothing to do with PPP: Sharjeel Memon

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Pandora Papers has nothing to do with PPP: Sharjeel Memon

PPP leader Sharjeel  Memon has said that his name appearing in Pandora Papers has nothing to do with PPP.

Former Sindh Minister Shajeel Inam Memon said before entering politics he has filed his assets to the Election Commission.
Sharjeel Memon said the form submitted in 2008 included three bungalows, factories and real estate offices in Defense Karachi.
He said that he has faced accountability before and will continue to do so.

More names of Pakistani nationals in Pandora Papers

Lt Gen (retd) Shafaat Shah purchase of property in the UK through offshore company is legal

Lieutenant General (retd) Shafaat Shah has said that the flat mentioned in Pandora Leaks was bought by him after selling a plot in Lahore.
In a statement on social media, Shafaat Shah said that according to British law, the purchase of property in the UK through an offshore company is legal.

Cell to probe Pakistanis named in Pandora Leaks

Shafaat Shah said that he had informed the army officials about his property and had also disclosed it in his tax return. The price of this flat was half of what was being reported. This flat has nothing to do with Akbar Asif. He said that a foreign journalist who had recently resided in India for two years was also involved in the investigation and it had been the practice of RAW to defame Pakistani army officers.

According to ICIJ, the wife of retired General Shafaatullah Shah acquired a کا 12 million flat in 2007 through an offshore company. The property was bought by Akbar Asif’s offshore company in the name of his wife, who is the son of K-Asif, the director of the famous film Mughal Azam.


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