Opposition thru joint letter urges Speaker to initiate voting on no-confidence

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Opposition thru joint letter urges Speaker to initiate voting on no-confidence

Imran Khan seeking NRO: Sources

ISLAMABAD, April 9,2022- The opposition leaders have jointly written a letter to the Speaker National Assembly to take up the no-confidence motion for voting, as per verdict of the Apex court.

The letter is signed by Shehbaz Sharif (PMLN), Bilawal Bhutto Zardari (PPP), Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui (MQM), Moulana Asad Mehmood (MMA0, Sardar Akhtar Mengal (BNP-M), Khalid Magdi (BAP), Mohsin Dawar (Ind), Amir Haider Khan Hoti (ANP).

The subject of the letter is  “contempt of Order of August Supreme Court of Pakistan”.

The text of the joint letter said, “ We head of the Parliamentary Parties in the National Assembly categorically sate that you and the chairperson Amjad Ali Niazi have knowingly deliberately disobeyed the order of the Supreme Court and put the administration of thejustice into disrespect and disrepute.

The letter further stated that “You and Chairperson Amjad Ali Niazi and consequently the concerned staff of the National Assembly secretariat are therefore guilty of gross contempt and liable to punishment in accordance with law.

You are once again strongly urged to take up the item No 4 of the order of the day without any further delay and initiate voting on resolution of no-confidence against the prime minister forthwith, the letter concluded.

Voting on no-confidence motion delayed

Imran Khan seeking NRO: Sources

Sources said that Imran Khan is asking for NRO, the opposition leader said that we are not ready for a compromise.

Senior journalist Hamid Mir revealed that Imran Khan wants the incoming government to guarantee non-filing of NAB cases.

Sources said that the Speaker of the National Assembly Asad Qaiser had met the opposition leaders and assured them that a no-confidence vote would be held.
Sources said that the speaker was under pressure from some ministers not to hold the voting. The ministers have been directed to seek guarantee from the opposition.

Sources said that the opposition leaders said that Imran Khan was asking for NRO, the opposition leader said that we are not ready for a compromise.

The Leader of the Opposition Shehbaz Sharif said that the decision of the Supreme Court should be implemented in any case.

Sources said that some ministers had also met the opposition leaders last night.