Only negotiated settlement to bring lasting peace in Afghanistan: PM

Only negotiated settlement to bring lasting peace in Afghanistan: PM

ISLAMABAD, Jul 19,2021- Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday said only a negotiated settlement would bring lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan and the imposition of a government in Afghanistan by force would not lead to the resolution of the conflict.

He said the escalation of conflict and instability in Afghanistan was not in Pakistan’s interest as it would lead to serious challenges for Pakistan in areas of security and influx of refugees.

The prime minister was talking to US Special Envoy for Afghan Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, who called on him, the PM Office Media Wing said in a press release.

During the meeting, the exchange of views covered the prevailing situation in Afghanistan and the need for expediting the Afghan peace process.

Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad was on a one-day visit to Islamabad as part of the tour to the region.

The prime minister emphasized the need for all Afghan sides to show flexibility and engage meaningfully with each other.

Reaffirming Pakistan’s consistent support to a peaceful, stable and united Afghanistan, the prime minister underlined that a secure and safe Western border was in Pakistan’s own best interest and it would like to remain closely engaged with the United States and other relevant countries for peace efforts.

He said as suggested by him at the recent Central Asia and South Asia Connectivity Conference in Tashkent, it was important for Afghanistan’s neighbours and regional countries to constructively work together for a lasting political settlement in Afghanistan.

Pakistan welcomes ongoing Doha talks

Pakistan welcomes the ongoing engagement between the two Afghan sides in Doha. The joint statement issued at the conclusion of the two-day talks in Doha, is a positive development.

Pakistan believes that there is no military solution to the Afghan conflict and that a negotiated political settlement through Afghan-owned and Afghan-led Process is the only way forward.

Pakistan hopes that the Afghan sides would continue their engagement in future in a meaningful manner. This will help in reduction of violence, weaken the hands of spoilers and pave the way for establishment of lasting peace in Afghanistan.