National Assembly: Opposition meets, 195 votes in favor of no-confidence

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The opposition member held a symbolic session of the National Assembly in which members voted in favor of no-confidence against Prime Minister Imran Khan.

PML-N leader, former Speaker National Assembly Ayaz Sadiq took the seat of Speaker and gave a roll call against the ruling of Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri.

Symbolic Speaker Ayaz Sadiq rejected the rolling of Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri.

Symbolic Speaker, Ayaz Sadiq said that the ruling of Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri is against the constitution, and I reject it.

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After that the lights of the National Assembly Hall were turned off and the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan was put for voting. Murtaza Javed Abbasi acted as teller.

Tariq Bashir Cheema, Wajih Qamar, Jawariya Aheer, Noor Alam Khan also voted in favor of no-confidence.

Dissident PTI members also took part in the vote in favor of the no-confidence motion.

195 members voted in favor of a no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister.
Former National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq, who belongs to PML-N, took over the Speaker’s chair in the National Assembly.