Mini budget next week, more price hike feared

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Mini budget next week, more price hike feared

ISLAMABAD Dec 11,2021 – Finance Advisor Shaukat Tarin has said that mini budget will be presented next week and there would be more price hike.

 In an interview Shaukat Tarin said mini budget is being presented according to agreement with IMF.

Levy on petrol to be increased by Rs 30: Shaukat Tarin

Shaukat Tarin said that in the mini budget, customs duty on imported make-up items, clothes, shoes and perfumes and other imported luxury items and luxuries would be increased, besides eliminating 5% discount on some locally manufactured items.

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The sales tax rate will be increased from 12% to 17% which will make most items more expensive.

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 The finance adviser said he could not yet say whether the tax exemption on mobile phones would be abolished.