‘Mastermind’ of KU suicide bombing remanded to police custody

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‘Mastermind’ of KU suicide bombing remanded to police custody

The Anti-Terrorism Court of Karachi approved the physical remand of the mastermind and facilitator of the suicide attack case against Chinese nationals in Karachi University (KU).

The Administrative judge of Karachi’s Anti-Terrorism Court heard the case of suicide attack on Chinese nationals at Confucius Institute of Karachi University.

During the hearing, the police produced the arrested alleged facilitator and mastermind accused Dad Bakhsh in the court.

The police told the court that the accused is the commander of BLA and BLF Karachi and is the mastermind behind the suicide attack on Chinese teachers in Karachi University.

The police also said that the accused used to facilitate attacks on Chinese nationals in Karachi. The accused was arrested by CTD yesterday.

The court remanded the accused Dad Bakhsh to police custody till July 16.

Sindh police chief on Monday shared the details of investigations into the Karachi University suicide bombing with a visiting Chinese delegation, and disclosed that an `important suspect` had been taken into custody.

On July 4, a 13-member Chinese delegation, led by a Chinese counterterrorism official, called on Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and discussed with him security measures for Chinese nationals working in Sindh and the progress on the probe into the KU attack.

The Chinese delegation members included Consul General of China in Karachi Li Bijian, police counsellor in Chinese Embassy Li Qingchun, cyber security technical expert Ma Jingchao, Shanghai police authority expert Pei Lianxi and others.

Three Chinese nationals were killed in the suicide attack by a Baloch young woman.

It should be noted that on April 26 this year, a female suicide bomber blew herself up near the van of Chinese teachers in Karachi University.

As a result of the suicide attack, 4 people including three Chinese teachers were killed.

Family confirms the identity of female suicide bomber of University of Karachi blast 

3 Chinese nationals killed in bomb blast in Karachi University

On April 27, The family of the female suicide bomber confirmed that the footage showing was from their family who targeted the Chinese national in Karachi University on Tuesday.

Four people – three Chinese nationals and a Pakistani man – were killed in an attack by a female suicide bomber outside the Chinese language centre inside the Karachi University.

An outlawed fit the Baloch Liberation Army Majeed Brigade has claimed the responsibility for the suicide bombing in Karachi University.

Worryingly, for the first time a woman was used by a terrorist group as a suicide bomber.

The BLA, while claiming responsibility for the attack through social media, also shared a picture of the purported female terrorist identified as Shari Baloch alias Bramsh.