Leftists call for making more representative, democratic political system

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Leftists call for making more representative, democratic political system

HYDERABAD, Jul 3,2022 -The leftists and the protagonists of the Jam Saqi Communist Conspiracy case, who were associated with by the left party, strengthening of democracy and parliament will be supported in every way, it should be made more representative and democrat otherwise it will remain under authority of the elites, chiefton and feudal.

They stressed the need to give the rights to oppressed classes and nations. Today, there is a need to struggle against the measures that violate public rights and dictatorial thinking as the Parliament and democracy are not allowed to be strengthened.

They expressed such views on Saturday, in the Hyderabad Press Club while speaking in a study session on the book “Jam Saqi Communist Conspiracy Case ” book written by the famous writer Aslam Khawaja in Urdu. The programme was organized by Hyderabad Roshan Khayal Forum (HRF)  with collaboration of Hyderabad Press Club. The programme was largely attended by different leftist activists and intellectuals .

Renowned Yousuf Laghari Advocate who was main lawyer of the Jam Saqi case said that the biggest achievement made in the Jam Saqi communist conspiracy case was that after this case, the cases against political activists based on the ideology of Pakistan were stopped.

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Jam Saqi Communist Conspiracy case book launch

Referring to the case he said there were only term of Ideology Pakistan, while  there are no documents or definition in any book of law, the basis on which the case could be established.

He said the case was made on magazine Surkh Parcham, said to be organ of the CPPP but the said magazine was not included in the book.

He said after he fought Jam Saqi case in the military court, around half a dozen case of martial law were referred to him. He obliged all the political workers to fight their cases in the military courts.

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Analysing the present situation Yousuf Laghari said, reactionary forces,, undemocratic decisions and violations of the rights of nations are great are the forefront question in the political scenario and added that there was a need to fight together against these excesses. He said that since the early days he had been in the politics of Sindh, and added, I am a communist, nationalist and democrat, but basically I am a person of Sindh. He said that I worked with Comrade Jam Saqi and had political differences with him, but Comrade Jam Saqi trusted me and I look up to him.

Former leader of Democratic Students Federation Prof. Dr Imdad Chandio appreciated Aslam Khawaja for doing a good job of writing this book, even professional investigators do not do such work today. Imdad Chandio said probably this was the first book of Urdu literature regarding the proceedings of a military court.

He said, though Gen Zia died years ago, but Zia’s followers still want to run Pakistan under the centralist idea, they rob the rights of nations and oppressed classes.

Renowned journalist and a character in the Jam Saki Communist conspiracy case, Sohail Sangi said that Aslam Khawaja has handled the case beautifully, this book is only limited to that case. No doubt Badar Abro helped to collect the documents. He said whatever was in the book, everything is with documents and Aslam Khawaja did not say anything from his own mind.  He said Aslam Khawaja not only collected these all documents, translated it, but got it published from his own hard earned money.

H said we have to write we should write our own history, we should not think that someone else will come and write our history, and if it was left for others the result would be that many things will remain unknown.

He said that Yousuf Laghari was the lawyer in his name but he fought case all the accused. Recalling the case anecdotes Sohail Sangi said on the last hearing of this case, friends arranged and every accused was given a copy of the proceedings of the case. He appreciated the spirit, sincerity and professional skill of Yousuf Laghari and said he fought the case very strongly and added he I learned many things from this case. He recalled many time Mr Laghari succeeded to confuse the prosecution witnesses during cross examination.

Sohail Sangi said it is important to understand the proper context of the case. To understand the case, it can be divided into three part, 1) The time and situation it was instituted and the trial stated, 2) defense witnesses were called and case concluded.

Jam Saqi Communist Conspiracy case was lodged when a socialist revolution was brought in Afghanistan, so they were worried that a communist revolution would take place here in Pakistan. It was very hard time. The Zia regime wanted to hld assurance to US that nothing Afghanistan like would happen in Pakistan. The second phase was when defence witnesses were called. At that time the political opposition had been started, a united front against Zia martial law was formed, but it could not take off due to hijacking and other incidents. Sohail Sangi recalled that at this stage the attitude of military court, prison authorities and administration was changed.

He agreed with Badar Abro that Jam Saqi helped to revive the MRD. When the case ended, the situation had changed a lot.

The judgement was delivered when the MRD movement had been launched. The military regime was not in position to award too hard sentences to the accused.

The author of the book, Aslam Khawaja, said that some questions were raised to the title of the book, but in the military court papers, this case was written as a communist conspiracy case and this case became known as the Jam Saqi case. He said he tried his level best to collect all the documents about the case, and still I think no major document is missing.

Woman activist and writer Amar Sindhu said that in today’s era, the youth is creating political awareness on the basis of Facebook and Twitter. But during Zia regime to find and create space and to work there all were difficult.

She while quoting from the statements of Jam Saqi said that the decision taken by the courts are less important, but decision awarded by the history are important.  She said this case is not a Jam Saqi case, but a trial of the state.

Comrade Sarang Jam said that the structure of the state has been made in such a way that those who argue with them are considered traitors. He said that there are ways to fight, war is not always fought with weapons, the goal of the left wing people was to establish a system in which national, public and democratic rights are protected. He said that there should be criticism, but this book is a statement of the court, no personal position has been adopted in this book.

On this occasion, the convener of Hyderabad Roshan Khayal Forum, Dr. Hameed Soomro said, present situation demands, we should try to make the parliament strong, but at the same time, we should keep quiet on the sufferings and excesses being inflicted on the people of Sindh. He said while writing history, there is always need to cross-check before raising various questions, and same is applicable here while writing on the Communist Party of Pakistan. Historians must look at all sides.

Dr. Ishwar Kumar welcomed and said that there has been a wonderful struggle of the Left in the past.

The study session was started with the voice of Latif.