Former US president Bush’s book, “Out of Many, One” released

WASHINGTON: Former US President George W. Bush’s new book, “Out of Many, One: Portraits of American Immigrants” has been released.

George W. Bush expected a dialogue will begin with his new book and added the Republican presidential candidate in 2024 to have a different vision.

He said that the next presidential candidate would pave the way to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Former US President George W. Bush’s book includes photographs of prominent immigrants, as well as articles about prominent immigrants.

“I’m an old man who paints simply,” said former President Bush jokingly.

He said that the immigration system should be reformed, there should be an element of leniency in the rule of law at the borders and the process of political asylum should be expedited.

Former President George W. Bush said that the number of judges should be increased so that people can have a fair trial, the work visa system should be changed as many jobs are vacant.