Flash Points of Sindh Budget 2021-22

Sindh Budget 2021-22

Flash Points of Sindh Budget 2021-22

Flash Points of Sindh Budget 2021-22

.  Total Budget outlay Rs.1,477.903 billion  –   Increase in Budget 19.1%

– Total Receipt of the province Rs.1,452.168 billion

– Provincial own Receipts Rs.329.319 billion

– Recurrent expenditure Rs.1,089.372 billion.

– Development expenditure Rs.329.033

– Development expenditure increased by 41.3%.

– Provincial ADP Rs.222.500 billion.

– Provincial ADP has been increased by 43.5%.

– District ADP pitched at Rs.30.00 billion.

– Increase in District ADP 100%.

– Salaries of Provincial Government employees increased by 20%

– Pro-Poor Social Protection & Economic Sustainability Package of Rs.30.90 billion

a. Rs.3.00 billion for revival of Agriculture sector

b. Rs.16.00 billion for Social Welfare of the citizens

c Rs.3.20 billion for Education sector.

d. Rs.1.70 billion for revamping of IT sector

e. Rs.3 billion for Industrial development through SMEs

f. Rs.2.00 billion Low cost housing

g. Rs.1.00 billion for Livestock & Fisheries support

h. Rs.500 million for Women Agriculture workers

i. Rs.500 million for Special Children Fund

– Education sector has been assigned the largest share followed by the Health and Local Government.

– Recurrent allocation for Education sector Rs.277.56 billion

– Increase in recurrent budget of Education 4.2%.

– Rs.6.623 billion allocated for purchase of school furniture.

– Rs.5.00 billion for renovation of schools in the province.

– Rs.425 million for repair and maintenance of colleges

– Development budget for Education sector Rs.26.00 billion

– Recurrent allocation for Health services Rs.172.08 billion

– Increase in recurrent budget for Health services 29.5%

– Rs.24.73 billion allocated to combat COVID-19 pandemic

– Allocation for PPHI enhanced by 26% to Rs.8.2 billion.

–  Annual grant to Indus Hospital Rs.2.5 billion. Plus Rs.2.00 billion for expansion of Indus Hospital

– Grant to SIUT increased by 27% to Rs.7.12 billion.

– The development budget for Health Rs.18.50 billion

– Rs.119.97 billion on recurrent side to maintain Law & Order

– Recurrent allocation Local Government budget increased by 31.3% to Rs.10.48 billion. Plus local councils funds of Rs.82.00 billion

– Development budget for Local Government Rs.25.500 billion

– Recurrent allocation for Public Health Engineering Rs.7.52 billion

– Recurrent allocation for Social Welfare department Rs.18.61 billion.

– Recurrent allocation of Rehabilitation department enhanced by 60.9% to Rs.1.840 billion.

– Allocation for women development department increased by 64.1% to Rs.571.97 million

– Recurrent allocation for Transport & Mass Transit department enhanced by 1315% to Rs.7.64 billion, as 250 Diesel Hybrid Electric Buses will be purchased.

– ADP for Transport & Mass Transit department Rs.8.2 billion. Plus Rs.20.59 billion for Foreign Project Assistance

– Recurrent allocation for Works & Services department Rs.16.03 billion

– Development budget for Works & Services Rs.30.00 billion


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