Camera drone hits Aseefa Bhutto Zardari during long march

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Camera drone hit Aseefa Bhutto Zardari during long march

A camera drone hit Aseefa Bhutto Zardari while she was on container with her brother during the long march in Khaniwal on Friday.

The drone was being operated by Samaa TV’s crew covering PPP’s Awami March.

According to initial reports, both Aseefa and Bilawal went inside the container after the drone was hit, Bilawal Bhutto’s security caught the drone operator.

She was given medical aid inside the container.

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The drone was being operated by Samaa TV’s crew covering PPP’s Awami March. Bilawal’s security team detained the drone operator and an engineer immediately after the arrest, Samma TV has reported.

“We hope and pray that she is safe and apologise for the mishap but we also request PPP leadership to release our staff members,” SAMAA TV’s Director News Farhan Mallick tweeted.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari took off his Ajrak and placed it on his sister’s wound.

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that he did not know, whether drone of a channel was knowingly or mistakenly applied the to Aseefa. According to doctors stitches will be applied.

Signal frozen by jammers

Initial information suggest that the drone, carrying the camera, lost control when signals were frozen due to the jammers installed near the container.

TV drone are operated by remote controllers, but signal jammers at Bilawal’s march disconnected the drone from the operator’s remote controller, which was left with a blank screen, and the drone lost control, Samaa TV reported.

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