75 years-old conflict, for a 75 years-old Country!

Karachi university blast
3 Chinese nationals injured in bomb blast in Karachi University

The glorious or notorious, past of humans has shaped in the shadows of arms alongside. The need of power, right and authority has made humans to create different intellectual grounds for supporting those dwellings. The race of sperms to form zygote never stops until the organism itself stops functioning. Even it’s stop, if not accidental, may yield some sort of benefits to others obviously, and sometimes to the deceased idealistically.

What has happened yesterday in the lap of UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI is heart wrenching for any beating heart. The suicide attack claimed lives of three tutors who were Chinese citizens, a Pakistani national driver, and the bomber herself.
The attack was a part of the armed campaign launched since many decades by the Baloch separatists. Whereas the suicide bombing is recently adopted, and a women bomber is first of its kind. In the recent years, two attacks i.e. Chinese consulate and stock exchange were captured and caused a great loss ultimately insurgents  running out of arms and killing themselves or being killed in cross exchange of bullets.
Baloch insurgents has organised arms since late 70s 80s. Dozens of such armed groups and their public counterparts  are listed among the banned organisations, whereas are still operational in many parts of Baluchistan and outside.

Karachi University teachers end protest

In the current times of political chaos and increasing inflation a sudden spark may be predicting a heavy blow.
Three Chinese citizens has lost their lives, all of them were serving Confucius Institute of University of Karachi, along with a Pakistani citizen working as driver since years. Whereas, suicide bomber is said to be the MPhil in Philosophy, a schoolteacher and daughter of a 21 Grade retired govt. officer.
The casualties on one hand are irreparable loss for the national and international prestige of country, whereas it has also raised the eyebrows of masses that how and why a well-educated lady and mother of three can dare to stake her life for the glorification of her mere narrative. Whatever beliefs a man hold should not be allowed to celebrate death of any. Any ideology supporting the death or armed action, physical assault, or increased use of power against the LIFE of any individual should be keenly checked to be humane or Inhumane. No ideology supporting the killing of masses can fantasise that grave for OTHERS can lead to happy homes for THEIRS.
Baluchistan do have crisis since years. The historical distortions, ethnic discriminations and many of the other shortfalls can never ever justify the killings and suicide attacks. The Baluch separatists who try to portray the secular, progressive and nationalistic political thoughts should justify whether these dictated actions can make their ways to the utmost goal? Unfortunately, I am little bit aware of these types of actions, the strings connected with the cross-border allies are always not in the best interests of the carriers. Instead of true diplomatic help for any of the cause, right or wrong, today’s world countries jump into PROXY-type usage of separate groups for settling their enmity or vested interests with their neighbours and beyond.

As a result of the attack, students belonging to Baluchistan will be arrested and detained from different Universities all over the country. The female students will also bear the same treatment for this time. May be the facilitators to bomber will be traced, evidence will be gathered, and culprits would be punished severely. May be rest of the students will be left free once their innocence is proved. Whether the mothers and sisters of slain soldiers, national and international citizens or of those responsible for the killings are equally bearing the loss of their loved ones. The killer and the killed, the common death grip are strangling both.

The ethnic nationalities living in the federation of Pakistan should be convinced to abandon their local identities for the sake of PAKISTAN CAUSE but cannot be compelled to. The blind usage of authority and power to exploit, on one hand, whereas attaining means of destruction to express resentment, on other, are both the culprits for today’s terrorised Pakistan!


Shahzad Ali Sher

The writer is Karachi based student of Economics, Political science, and Education.