5 donkeys used in smuggling produced in the court


5 donkeys used in smuggling produced in the court (file foto)

Five donkeys were produced in the Assistant Commissioner’s Court in Chitral, which were allegedly being used in timber smuggling.

Assistant Commissioner Chitral Tauseefullah ordered to keep all the donkeys under the custody of the Forest Department.

The donkeys produced in the court of Assistant Commissioner Chitral were accused of being involved in timber smuggling in Darosh area of ​​Chitral.

Taseefullah had summoned these donkeys as evidence in the timber smuggling case and after satisfaction handed over the donkeys and timber sleepers to the Forest Department officials.

AC Chitral said that these donkeys are safe and that they have not been handed over to anyone else and that they are not being used again in smuggling.

The court was satisfied that the donkeys are in the custody of the concerned authorities.