September 14, 2024

Woman reporter crushed to death under the wheels of long march container

Sadaf tv reporter

Woman reporter crushed to death under the wheels of long march container

Imran Khan calls off march for one day

Following death of woman journalist Sadaf Naeem under the wheels of container, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan canceled his today’s long march.

Channel 5, a private TV’s reporter Sadaf Naeem died under the wheels of Imran Khan’s container on the way to Kamonki on Sunday.

After the accident, Imran Khan’s container was stopped on GT Road and Imran Khan himself came down from the container.

The spokesperson of Rescue said that while going to Kamonki, the female reporter of the news channel fell under the container of Imran Khan and died.

PTI Chairman Imran Khan said that unfortunately there has been an accident.

Imran Khan said that we are ending our today’s march, we will start our march tomorrow from Kamonki.

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PTI Chairman said that due to the accident we had to cancel today’s march.

He said that he expresses sympathy with the family of the woman reporter.