Water level in Manchhar Lake heading to peak point


Water level in Manchhar Lake heading to peak levels

The Water level in Manchhar Lake is heading to peak levels. which is said to be 123 RL.

Due to the collapse of the FP Bund, the largest flow of water entered Manchhar, the pressure on the MNV drain began to increase, while the water has begun to lower at Johi, however the danger remains at Mehar.

FP Bund at Manchhar lake was breached on six places at west of zero point

The flood water from Kachho began to flow rapidly into the Manchhar Lake.

The pressure of the water near Johi town began to decrease.

Due to breaches in FP Bund, the embankment of Manchhar Lake are weakening.

At zero point due to rapid discharge of water from FP Bund breaches and MNV drain, pressure is increasing on Manchhar Lake.

The water level in the lake has gone up to 121.8 RL. The pressure in the FP dam and MNV drain is starting to decrease after the water flow in Manchhar.

Many areas of Jhangara have become sub merged due to continuous flooding in Manchhar. The authorities said that the water flow in Manchhar is being continuously monitored, including 200 wells.

Water over tops Manchhar bunds on Johi side 

No cut being administered to Manchhar Lake or Main Nara Valley Drain, CM assures

According to the administration, Manchhar embankments are strong, there is no danger, the water of Manchhar is flowing through Aral canal into the river.

The water level of Manchhar Lake reached 121.8 RL.

The cut given to Johi Branch and the MNV drain continue to flow the water towards the houses which flooded the area.

More than 200 villages came under water in Johi taluk, despite the water leveling in more than 15 villages, the villagers refused to vacate houses.

At the ring embankment to save Johi city, the water is putting pressure. The water is standing up to 4 feet at Johi College.

Day and night vigil of the ring band by the citizens continues while they are also strengthening the weak parts of the band.