Want to see satellites collect data? Install the latest NASA software

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Want to see satellites collect data? Install the latest NASA software

KARACHI:  Nov 22,2021 Monitoring Desk

NASA has updated its state-of-the-art software for the general public.

With the help of this software, users will be able to see the satellites orbiting the earth in their original state, as well as the recently launched satellite Landsat 9 with the help of this software.

Software called Eyes on Earth has been developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (California) and will allow users to view not only the asteroids but also the data collected with their help in real time.

Information about amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere

The software also allows users to view information about the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. NASA says that Eyes on Earth is a piece of software that keeps any user busy, providing an environment for interactive learning while also observing climate change and phenomena.

 Movement of winds

With the help of this software you can easily see the winds moving in any part of the earth, their speed, forest fires in any country, their effects and other information. According to foreign media reports, NASA currently has about 12 projects that are conducting research on the ground and each is collecting different types of information from different angles.

Remember that Landsat 9 is the ninth new satellite of the Landsat project that has been collecting information about the Earth for the last fifty years. With the help of Landsat 9, scientists are collecting data on changes in the Earth’s surface.

The U.S. Department of State says that by collecting these data, we can find out what changes humans and nature have made to the Earth’s surface.