US President describes NATO as important as US

NATO heads

US President describes NATO as important as US - NATO heads meet in Brussels

BRUSSELS, (June 15, 2021): US President Joe Biden has described the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as important as the United States, saying that NATO is as important as the United States.

According to the foreign news agency, 29 heads of state attended the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

According to the foreign news agency, the NATO summit discussed China and Russia, and also expressed concern over China’s growing influence in the world.

At the NATO summit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called China a rival.

French President Macron said that NATO is a military alliance, while relations with China are not just military.

US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in Geneva on Wednesday.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has offered to work with China on issues such as climate change.

NATO summit in Brussels 2018

China’s international policies a challenge

NATO Secretary General calls China’s international policies a challenge to allies.

NATO demands military bases in Qatar

NATO has demanded military bases from Qatar to maintain its presence in the region after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. According to NATO sources, these bases can be used to train Afghan forces. Talks are underway with Qatar under NATO command.

According to working security officials, NATO has approached Qatar to provide safe havens after the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Russia and China at forefront of NATO agenda

NATO’s 2030 agenda is being set with Russia and China at the forefront. The NATO secretary general said that its relations with Russia are at their lowest level since the end of the Cold War and that this is due to Russia’s aggressive actions.

Russia’s relations with its neighbors Ukraine and Georgia are not good, it is poisoning cyber and hybrid attacks and allies, this is something that has damaged trust between us and Russia, we are watching it and this At the same time, they are changing themselves.