Three killed, 20 injured in Quetta blast

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Three killed, 20 injured in Quetta blast

QUETTA, March 2,2022- Three people were killed and injured 20, in a blast near a police van on Fatima Jinnah Road in Quetta.

According to DIG Quetta, Fida Hassan, the blast was an improvised explosive device, which used two and a half kilograms of explosives.

As police mobile was passing the blast took place, police sources said.

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According to rescue sources, the injured in the Fatima Jinnah Road blast were shifted to a civil hospital.

According to police, fire broke out in nearby shops after the explosion, and fire tenders were summoned immediately.

MS Civil Hospital Quetta said an emergency has been imposed at the hospital.

Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo, in a statement, strongly condemned the incident. He also directed hospitals to impose an emergency and for all doctors and paramedical staff to ensure their presence.