Suspect killers of Lahore lady doctor nabbed

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Suspect killers of Lahore lady doctor nabbed

LAHORE Sep 30,2021- Suspect killers of Lahore lady doctor nabbed, while another lady doctor died in suspicious circumstances on Thursday.

A lady doctor’s body was found hanging from a fan of a private housing society in Lahore.

Heirs allege that the husband killed his wife, lady doctor, and hung her body from a fan.

The couple had married of their choice, and a few months ago the husband had remarried. According to police, the matter is being investigated.  

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Police have arrested the two accused in the murder of lady doctor Khola in Defense area of ​​Lahore on Wednesday.

According to police sources, the accused had killed Dr Khola outside the house of his friend Raja yesterday. 

Police sources said that the robbers tried to rob Dr. Khula, but when she offered resistance, they shot her.

Police sources further said that the robbers looted Dr Khula’s mobile phone and cash after shooting her and fled.

Police sources claimed that both the accused were arrested with the help of CCTV cameras.