State to pursue case against Usman Mirza

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State to pursue case against Usman Mirza

ISLAMABAD: The state will pursue the case of harassing a couple against Usman Mirza and others after the victim girl deviates from the case.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has sought a report on the follow-up to the torture case and motorway rape case by stripping a boy and a girl naked in E-11 area of ​​Islamabad.

Parliamentary Secretary Law and Justice Barrister Maleeka Bokhari on Wednesday said that the state will pursue prosecution in the case irrespective of recent developments relating to the victim’s testimony.

The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Law to follow up on a daily basis to bring these cases to a logical conclusion.

The Prime Minister said that protection of the rights of citizens was the first duty of the government and the state would in any case pursue these cases and inflict severe punishment on the culprits. The Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Law to take the Islamabad Harassment, Motorway rape case to its logical conclusion.

Female victim withdrew her statement

The female victim on Tuesday withdrew her statement and submitted an affidavit to state for the record that she will no longer be pursuing the case.

The incident

Previously, in a statement to the magistrate, she had said Mirza and the other accused had “threatened to gang-rape her if she did not have sex with her friend while they filmed it”.

Usman Mirza 6 others indicted in violence against couple

The victim had said she was “forced to perform a nude dance in front of Usman and his accomplices”, and that she was beaten up when she refused.

Yesterday, the Islamabad District and Sessions Court heard the case in relation to the alleged harassment, during which Mirza, along with seven others, were presented before the court.

The female victim submitted a stamp paper to the court and said that “the police have opened this case; neither have I identified any accused nor have I signed any papers.”

“I have not signed the affidavit under anyone’s pressure,” she added.

She claimed that the police took her signature and thumb impressions on blank papers multiple times.

“I don’t know any of the accused in this case, nor do I want to pursue the case further,” she said.

Pointing to one of the accused in the case, she said: “I have only seen Rehan and others at police stations. I don’t even know them.”

“No one tried to assault me sexually; neither do I know Rehan, nor did he record a video of me,” she further said, in a shocking turn of events.

She also denied giving ransom money to anyone.