Sindh not to ease corona restrictions

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KARACHI, (May 20, 2021): Corona cases have decreased across Pakistan but the number of patients in Sindh has started increasing. Contrary to the decisions of the National Command and Operations Center, the Sindh government has avoided easing restrictions on corona in the province.

A meeting of the Provincial Task Force on Corona Virus was held under the chairmanship of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Thursday.

The meeting was attended by Provincial Ministers, Chief Secretary, IG Police, Additional Chief Secretary Home, Commissioner Karachi, Additional IG Karachi, Corps Five, Rangers and representatives of WHO.

The Sindh Task Force decided to maintain the existing restrictions in Sindh Province.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah said that about 17% cases of corona have been reported in Karachi. Corona rate shows that cases are increasing in Sindh.

During the meeting, it was decided that if the rate of corona virus cases in Sindh decreased, it would be eased and if the number of cases increased, it would have to be tightened.

The task force will meet again on Saturday. The Chief Minister Sindh has directed the members of the task force to review the situation and give their suggestions for further steps.

During today’s meeting, members of the task force and experts have advised the Sindh Chief Minister to continue the current closure.

The task force has suggested that tougher decisions be made if possible.

Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that a total of 20421 records were tested in which 9000 were from Karachi alone, 20621 cases resulted in 2076 cases which is 10.2%, 16.82% cases came in Karachi.

There were 1232 cases in the province on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr on May 13. After Eid, 2076 cases came on May 19 which is 10.2%, which shows that cases are increasing in Sindh.