Sindh govt proposes to postpone local body elections

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Sindh govt proposes to postpone local body elections

KARACI, June 7,2022- The Sindh govt proposed to postpone local body elections and submitted  the minutes of select committee to the Sindh High Court about legislation to empowered local governments.

Sindh High Court is hearing the petition of MQM Convener Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui about the powers of local governments.

Government of Sindh proposes to postpone local body elections and said a meeting of select committees for legislation is underway in the light of the court decision.

Other political parties, including the MQM, have objected to the local body elections. Government of Sindh and added that committees need time to reach a final decision. Sindh government’s response.

According to Government of Sindh, if elections are held on time then legislation will not be possible.

The delimitation work will not be completed. While discussions are being held in committees consisting of representatives of political parties.

The Sindh government suggested, if the court orders, local body elections can be canceled.

The court sought reply from Muttahida’s lawyer and adjourned the hearing till June 20.

The court sought reply from the MQM lawyer on the select committee minutes.