Sindh decides to intensify the vaccination campaign

Sindh Cm presiding over meeting

Sindh decides to intensify the vaccination campaign

KARACHI Jan 11,2022 – An important meeting reviewed the situation of corona vaccination and decided to intensify the vaccination campaign.

Sindh Minister for Health and Population Dr. Azra Pechuho chaired the meeting, which was attended by Parliamentary Secretary Qasim Soomro, Sindh Health Secretary Zulfiqar Shah, Additional Director EPI Dr Irshad Memon, Deputy Commissioners from across Sindh and DHOs via video link.

On the occasion, Provincial Health Minister Dr. Azra Pechoho said that in view of the increasing cases of coronavirus, vaccine measures need to be made more effective.

“We need to rethink the issue of vaccination,” Dr Azra Pechuho said and added that people are completely ignoring Corona SOPs, which is leading to an increase in positive cases.

SOPs masks should be strictly enforced

Wearing masks for all citizens should be strictly enforced, Sindh Health Minister urged.

The Sindh Home Department will be taken on board to implement the Corona SOPs.

Shopping malls, marriage halls will be required to bar people from entering without a vaccination card.

Further it was decided that shopping malls and wedding halls that do not comply with SOPs will be prosecuted.

Sindh health minister said that only after strict measures can more people be persuaded to be vaccinated.

Dr Azra said that a letter should be written to IG Sindh Police in this regard.

Plans for vaccination

She said that if not vaccinated, the number of coronavirus cases would be in the millions.

She asked to review the vaccine data and start vaccine drives in areas where vaccination numbers are low.

Dr Azra said directed the health officials to make home-based vaccine plans, especially micro-plans for housewife vaccinations.

Health Minister urged that social mobilization plan should be made according to the environment and traditions of the area.

PCR tests should be increased, especially random samples taken in markets and densely populated areas, said the Sindh Health Minister and added that genomics of random samples will also be done so that variants can be detected in the community.

Dr Azra Pechuho directed to initiate a series of phone calls and messages for the second dose of the corona vaccine.

Vaccination should be ensured in all district schools, while the second dose for children should also be completed.

On the occasion, the provincial health minister also expressed displeasure over the low number of vaccines in schools in Central Karachi district.

Despite the high number of schools in Central, vaccination coverage is low, the number of vaccinated children should be increased.

Sindh Health Minister said that Deputy Commissioners to monitor vaccinate data on a daily basis and plan with DHOs.

The meeting discussed the salaries of cod vaccinators.

The issue of funds for salaries has been resolved, the DHO and his district will be responsible for the sales. Duties of all vaccinators and regular salaries should be made possible.

The meeting further decided to take action against industry owners who do not vaccinate their workers or keep employees who have not been vaccinated.

30,929,612 vaccine doses used in Sindh

It was informed in the meeting that 30,929,612 vaccine doses have been used in Sindh so far.

One 19526612 people have jabbed the first dose of vaccine, while 11,403,110 people have been fully vaccinated.

According to the data available in Sindh, 55.97 per cent people have taken the first dose, while 39.52 per cent people have taken both doses.

In Karachi divison, 52.34 per cent people have taken the first dose and 42.47 per cent of the population has taken second doses.

In Karachi District South, 98.08% of the population has completed the first dose while 82.46% have completed the second dose.

The number of people applying double dose in Hyderabad division was 39.95%, in Sukkur division it was 31.13% and in Mirpur Khas division it was 50%.

 41% of the population in Shaheed Benazirabad division and 39.52% of the population in Larkana division have applied double dose.

Out of 1,305,194 children enrolled in 7th to 12th classes in schools, 724,738 children have received the first dose of Corona Prevention.

Two doses of 328,989 children have been completed in schools.

In schools, 55.53% of the targeted children have completed the first and 25.21 children have completed the second dose of vaccine.

The meeting was informed that 82774 mobile teams in Sindh participated in the vaccination.