Shehbaz says he was offered primeminstership twice

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  • Shehbaz says he was offered primeminstership twice

  • Shehbaz refutes his resignation from PMLN

  • If Nawaz Sharif had made collective strategy in the 2018 election, he would have been prime

LAHORE Aug 2, 2021- President, Pakistan Muslim League-N, Shehbaz Sharif has said that he was offered Prime Minister Office twice, once by Ghulam Iseahq Khan and second time by Musharraf

PMLN president and leader of opposition in National Assembly was talking in the ‘Jirga’ programme of Geo News.

Shehbaz Sharif while refuting the news about his resignation from party said, he did neither resigned from the party nor disappeared from the scene, however said, “I always wanted national reconciliation, we are not angels. Nawaz Sharif also made mistakes in the past, he is human. Human comes into emotions and talks. But now go ahead and do something for the people’s woes.

As much as the support Imran Khan have, if anyone had been given 30 % such support, the situation in the country would have been different today.

Imran Khan talked against army and added that Pervez Musharraf had his own decisions in the past, the institution was not involved in those decisions.

If Nawaz Sharif had made a better collective strategy in the 2018 election, he would have been prime minister for the fourth time,

Shehbaz Sharif said that he has many secrets of present era but are buried in his chest and referred the extension of General Bajwa, Shahbaz Sharif said, due Imran Khan’s incapability and even malicious that the matter went to the Supreme Court.

He said health of Nawaz Sharif is not good.

Shahbaz Sharif said that decision about extension of, the chairman NAB will be made with consultation. He said don’t blame me for breaking the PDM.


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