SC suspends Sindh Minimum Wages Act

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ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan has suspended the notification issued by the Sindh government on July 19, to set minimum wage of monthly Rs 25,000 and decided to constitute a three-member bench to hear the matter next month.

According to media reports, a two-member bench of the Supreme Court comprising Justice Qazi Faez Isa and Justice Yahya Afridi issued notices to Attorney General Khalid Javed Khan and Advocate General of Sindh, Salman Talibuddin on the appeals filed by several applicants.

The applicants include Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry, the Employees Federation of Pakistan, Phoenix Security Service (Private) Limited Karachi, Aziz Tabba Foundation Karachi, Grey Merchanise Restaurants International Limited Karachi and SRG Services Limited.

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One of the aforementioned companies challenged the notification of minimum wage, stating that their firm is an inter-agency organization that falls within the federal jurisdiction to set minimum wage and Sindh minimum wages act (SMW) 2015 will not apply on them.

Some applicants questioned the Sindh High Court’s order dated October 15 in favor of the provincial government notification, while others approached the Supreme Court to be a party to the dispute with the petition that the Sindh High Court order had an effect on them.

This was followed by a five-page order issued in the Supreme Court on December 7, but if the Supreme Court upholds the Sindh High Court’s decision, the applicant assured that it would pay due to the employees.

On this promise, the Supreme Court suspended the Sindh government notification till the next hearing.